Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Weather Vocabulary

English Weather Vocabulary When we talk about the weather in English, we generally  repeat the  same  four or five words:Sunny/hot,Windy,Rainy,Cold.However, this does a disservice to the English language as there are many ways to explain the weather.Let’s learn some weather-based synonyms now.Sunny/hotRather than saying a day is sunny or hot we can call it….Glorious,Heavenly,Scorching,Boiling,Roasting,Sweltering.WindyRather than saying a day is windy we can call it…Blustery,Gusty,Breezy,Squally,Stormy,Wild.RainyRather than saying a day is rainy we can call it…Inclement,Showery,Damp,Boggy,Dank,Wettish,Stormy,Cat-and-Doggish (after the expression it’s raining cats and dogs).ColdRather than calling a day cold, we can say it is….Freezing,Chilly,Bitter,Wintry,Frosty,Arctic,Cool.Now, let’s watch a television weather report.How many different words can you hear to describe the weather?In general, what is the weather outlook for the region (try not to repeat the words used in the report)?Did you find thi s blog helpful? Share it on Facebook and Twitter. LOIEnglish ShampaYour vocabulary learning app is interesting. However linguistic research shows that vocabulary isnt integrated into speech until it is produced within conversation by the student at least 4 times. The production is necessary to integrate the vocabulary into normal conversation which I think is what most English Language learners are interested in.

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